Pain in the upper part of the stomach is also referred to as the phenomenon of bloating. Bloating is one of the factors that cause the people to feel severe pain as well as discomfort. It is hence, told that the people that they should go on to look out for the indigestion causes that make this problem to occur. Some of the times, it happens, because of the fact that the gas in trapped under the abdominal cavity, and that leads into cramps and tightness. Food habits, as well as infrequent meals are one of the causes that make it to happen. Abdomen is the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis, which is separated from the thorax by a diaphragm and from the true pelvis by an imaginary plane. Anteriorly the anterior abdominal wall supports it and posteriorly, the spine and back muscles. Skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia, muscles, layers of fascia (Fascia transversalis), extra peritoneal connective tissue and the outer layer of peritoneum form the anterior abdominal wall. The abdominal cavity extends upwards in to the concavity of diaphragm and downwards in to the pelvic cavity. Since there is overlapping by the ribs in the upper part and pelvic bones in the lower part, the exact size of the abdominal cavity is masked.There are several other causes that make it to happen and they are all underlined as follows:

upper stomach painA. Obstruction in the intestine: The intestine is obstructed more often than not in all those cases, where the people have observed gall growth, as well as scar tissues, or gall stones forming. Along with cramps and vomit, it is also the main cause of the bloats to occur. 
B. Gastritis: The swelling of the stomach lining is one of the reasons, in the stomach lining, that cause the pain in the upper part of the stomach along with the issues of bloating, and a feeling of burning within the chest itself. Increase of the alcohol levels, as well as the mental stress and the medicinal side-effects that can cause the thing to happen. 
C. Lactose Intolerance:  The fact that digestive system of a person is unable to break down the composition of lactose, is also the reason why the alcohol remains fermented over time, and then leading to pain. 
D. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): It is also one of the reasons as to why the people feel a severe, searing pain in the upper part of the stomach. It is one of the reasons when the people happen to suffer the reasons of gastrointestinal tract. It happens when the small intestine becomes sensitive to the gas formation and the bowel movement is also being disrupted in the process. This consistently results in the people having severe constipation as well as the diarrhea, that makes him suffer from cramps or bloating of the intestine. 
E. Celiac disease: It is one of the diseases that cause the problems within the inner lining of the intestines,   and hence, the food having gluten, like the rye, barley as well as wheat cannot be digested at the first place. This is one of the reasons that cause the bloating to occur in the stomach lining.There are some little details that we need to work around, now. The upper part of the stomach consists of the esophagus, stomach, liver,gallbladder, pancreas and the duodenum. An infection in any one of these parts of the stomach can cause upper z stomach pain. The problems associated with theupper stomach can be simple and temporary or it can be severe and dangerous. In most cases, it is observed that the pain is often related to indigestion and gas troubles.  Any problem with the rib cage wall, kidneys, heart and lungs can contribute to pain in the upper region of the stomach. Therefore, in order to pinpoint the type of ailment it is important to find the exact area in which the pain occurs.

Causes And Symptoms:

Considered to be the most common symptom in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, upper abdominal bloating can be quite painful and could be very uncomfortable. It is a health condition wherein the person feels tight and full in the stomach area. The bloating can be attributed to excess intestinal gas. If you're experiencing this frequently, it would be wise to see a physician.

1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: This condition materializes due to a weak area in the aorta wall. Over time, the wall may rupture due to its weakened condition. As the aorta is the largest artery in the body, this can be a serious condition. Pain in the upper abdomen, back pain and fatigue can be symptoms due to abdominal aortic aneurysm.
2. Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis can occur due to excessive alcohol use, viral infections, and diseases of the gall bladder. Upper abdominal pain is a main symptom of pancreatitis. In addition, abdominal swelling, back pain, nausea, and vomiting can also occur.
3. Reflux Esophagitis: This is due to inflammation of the esophagus. Symptoms of reflux esophagitis will   include heartburn, indigestion, and pain in the upper abdomen.
4. Crohn’s Disease: Inflammation of the intestines is known as Cronus disease. This disease will affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Small ulcerations in the small and large intestines which become severe over time cause the bowels to scar. With the narrowing of the small intestine as the disease progresses, the flow of the contents through the intestines is strictly hampered. This in return causes pain in the upper stomach.
5. Liver cancer: Cancers of the stomach region are very common and liver cancer is just one such type. This can occur with hepatitis or the multiplication of any abnormal cells in the liver. Pain in the right upper stomach region can be associated with liver cancer.
6. Kidney Stones: Minerals such as calcium get deposited in the kidneys during the waste excretion process and these can lead to the formation of small crystals in the urine. These crystals will bind together and can become even as large as tennis balls. Such stones will obstruct the flow of urine and cause severe back pain and upper stomach pain.
These are some of the diseases and illnesses which may be associated withpain in the upper stomach. A medical advice is a must for those who have  persistent symptoms of stomach pain.

Treatments :

upper stomach painThere are various medications and therapies which can treat pain in the upper abdomen depending on the cause. For example, if a person has kidney stones, a doctor may prescribe narcotic pain medications, antibiotics, and oral fluids in order to ensure that the stones are flushed through the urethra. In severe cases where the stones have developed to large size, surgical removal will be necessary. Some other illnesses such as hernia and abdominal aortic aneurysm will require surgery to resolve the underlying cause of pain. Some symptoms may disappear on their own, while some others can be controlled with dietary changes and exercise. However, if a person has persistent upper stomach pain it is always recommended to seek medical advice immediately since many vital organs are contained within the stomach cavity. There might be a lot of reasons for a person to see that bloating to occur. What one must remember is that a person might not have upper stomach conditions as critical as compared to the lower one.  When problems appear in the upper part, then they really seem to be a little more serious as compared to the ones where a person thinks them to be just a muscle strain or herniated disc. The upper part of the body is quite contrary to the one that is the lower back of the body. While the upper part of the body is quite strong as well as supportive, at the same time, the lower part of the body provides mobility by the help of flexibility, by the help of being mobile as well. We need to learn here that the most of the issues that a person can have on the upper part of the body, is due to irritated muscles or joint dysfunction.There are some other reasons that a person can think about while coming to the form of work. Sometimes, it is the type of work that we do and carry out a greater cause of the upper and the posterior part of the back to pain. The major factor of slouching in our desks is one of the reasons that cause a person’s back to pain. There might be some other things that let a person and his back to pain. Some of them include a major accident or an injury. 

Type Of Stomach Pain 

1. Visceral pain (Splanchnic pain): This is caused by stimulation of visceral nerves by a noxious agent, which may be living organisms, toxins, mechanical stimuli like stretching, excessive muscular contraction or an ischaemia. Visceral pain is dull in nature and is poorly localized and felt in the midline.

2. Parietal pain: This is also called somatic pain. Here, some noxious agents stimulate the parietal peritoneum causing a sharp and localized pain. This type of pain is worse by movements.

3. Referred pain: Here the pain, though originating in other sites, is felt in the abdomen due to common nerve supply. Example: Conditions like pleurisy, pericarditis, torsion of testes etc. cause pain in abdominal region due to supply of nerves having the same root value (Spinal segments).

It has already been mentioned that abdominal pain is agonizing for the affected person and his family members irrespective of its cause and severity. Intensity of pain may not always indicate the seriousness of the condition because severe pain can be from mild conditions like indigestion and flatulency, where as mild pain may be present in life threatening conditions like perforation, cancer etc. Hence proper diagnosis and management is very essential.

Modes of presentation of Stomach pain:

upper stomach pain

1. Acute abdominal pain: Here, the pain is sudden with a rapid onset and short course, which may be due to severe or mild lesions. The term 'acute abdomen' is used in conditions wherein the patient complains of acute abdominal symptoms that suggest a disease, which definitely or possibly threatens life and may or may not demand urgent surgical interference. Acute pain may be colicky or non colicky in nature.

2. Chronic abdominal pain: Here the pain is long lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering. The complaints persist for a long time with fluctuations in the intensity of symptoms.

3. Sub acute abdominal pain: As the name indicates the duration of pain lies between acute and chronic conditions.

4. Acute exacerbation: In this state, a person having chronic symptoms comes with sudden onset of symptoms that simulate an acute condition. In such cases the patient or the bystanders give the history of chronic sufferings.

The Etiology of Stomach Pain Can Be Discussed Under The Following:


A. Pain due to lesions in the abdomen: Example: Gastritis, Duodenitis, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Pancreatitis, Intestinal obstruction, Renal colic, Cholecystitis, Gall stones with obstruction, Peptic ulcer, Intestinal perforation, Non ulcer dyspepsia, Food allergy, Hepatitis, Liver abscess, Mesenteric lymphadenitis, Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), Dysentery, Cancer of the gastro intestinal tract (GIT), Abdominal TB, Abdominal migraine, Acute regional ileitis, etc.

B. Pain due to metabolic and general problems: Example: Poisoning, Renal failure, Diabetes, Thyroid problems, Hyper parathyroidism, Porphyria, Drugs, Lead colic, Black widow spider bite, Blood diseases, Malaria, Leukemia, Peri arteritis nodosa, Hereditary angioedema, Cystic fibrosis.

C. Pain due to lesions outside the abdomen (Referred pains & neuralgic pains): Here the pain is referred from other sites due to common innervations. Example: Pneumonia, Heart attack, Sub acute bacterial endocarditis, Torsion of testes etc. Pains as a result of some neurogenic lesions are also included in this category. Example: Herpes zoster, Spinal nerve root pains, Tabes dorsalis, TB spine, Abdominal epilepsy, etc.

D. Functional pain: Here, the pain comes without any lesions, mostly due to some psychological causes. Example: Panic disorder, School stress, Somatisation disorder, History of sexual abuse, Irritable bowel syndrome.

Upper Stomach Ache

Complaining about stomach aches is commonplace among school-age children but for Mom's and Dad's, a child's stomach ache can be a mysterious condition. There can be a number of different kinds of belly aches, with various features and symptoms:

- Sharp pains

- Cramping of muscles

- Pain in the lower part of the stomach or in the upper part

- Stomach pains that sometimes can be resolved by a quick snack or a stop at the bathroom

- Pains that require an appointment at the doctor's office.

As a Mom or Dad, how do you decide what is occurring and how do you know when a stomach ache is severe or simply a gentle irritation?

Understanding stomach ailments can turn into quite the mystery. Often, it could simply be thirst or hunger. When nutrient amounts in the bowel decrease, it contracts creating an often miserable cramping feeling. The remedy is simplistic: Make something to eat. But time and again stomach ailments are a bit more involved and chances are your child knows the differences between being hungry and having irritating pain.

Dietary troubles is a common culprit, particularly among children who gorge on junk food, candy and snacks when their parents aren't watching. Surprisingly, even healthy food items like milk can create problems. Blips on the dietary radar can result in many symptoms such as irregularity, looseness of the bowels or gas related issues. Stomach viruses are another typical reason of belly issues.

Now and then, stomach troubles have absolutely nothing to do with the stomach at all. When a child complains of a stomach ache they could be thinking about any area of their abdominal region that they connect with their stomach region. Young children who are prone to infections and common childhood ills may have irritation because the lymphoid tissue, a part of the immune system trusted with helping to fighting infection, has kicked into overdrive as a defense reaction. Tenderness is a trademark symptom in this instance.

Parents may become apprehensive about stomach ailments because they're concerned about another scary ailment, appendicitis. Even though there can be plenty of reasons for the aching feeling, appendicitis is a valid concern, especially for children over the age of five. Pain resulting from an infection of the appendix typically sets out in the bottom right hand side and proceeds for a few hours. There are many other symptoms that are ordinarily connected with it as well including vomiting and fever. If your child has a sharp pain in this region and starts running a fever, call a doctor immediately to have them checked out. If left untreated, the infection could spread and convert into a severe health trouble.

Hunger, diet, acute appendicitis, the stomach flu - although it allows for some peace to know the root of your child's infliction, there are some times when there is no unmistakable physical cause. It can be a passing psychological or emotional trouble, such as stress or it could be something more severe. The best way to decide your immediate course of action is to make your child describe the trouble as best they can. Sharp or dull? Localized or regional? Is the stomach region tender or not? If you're overly concerned, it's always advisable to be cautious and simply make an appointment with a medical professional or pediatrician. A good guideline when it comes to stomach aches is to contact the physician if there are associated symptoms like fever or vomiting or if your young one is in a considerable amount of pain. If parents follow these simple rules, their children will be better off for it.

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